Trip to the Secret Waterfalls

We love to be in the nature. I have been living in a natural village in Bali for about 6 years. This village is not the center of tourist attraction like Penglipuran Village, so it is quiet and quite remote. Our village is Angkah Village which is surrounded with paddy fields and the woods.


Before I got pregnant I had explored the Balian river and dam in our village. It has a long and wide stream with several big rocks. After I have Kalki and Kavin, I work as an English teacher in Samsaman Village. I got an information from my students at the learning center that there are waterfalls in the village we can visit I guess there are two different waterfalls, one in Angkah village and the other one is in Samsaman Village. Angkah and Samsaman are closed to each other.


My first time visiting the waterfalls in Samsaman, it was with my students and a volunteer from the USA. The access to the waterfalls was still new. Probably the residents had just opened a new road through the forest to the waterfalls with an excavator. However the road to the waterfall is only for the beginning. Next we still need to hike on the path down the hill in the woods.

That’s why I call it as secret waterfalls because before they opened the road, just certain villagers who had known or accessed the waterfalls. It is located behind the villagers’ residence. Almost hidden, I could say. We can go there by motorcycle or car first until flat road ends. On the new road is just bare land without asphalt or cement. We can park our vehicles on the new road, because the slopes begin there, so we have to go on foot.

After the new road ends, we will walk in the woods with small path. The road and the path are really steep sometimes. We need to keep hiking downward to go to the waterfalls. Until we arrive at the cliff edge and we have to climb the cliff down about 1.5-2 meter height. It is very dangerous if the cliff is wet because of the rain. So, we always make sure to go to the waterfalls on a sunny day.


There are two waterfalls there. The first is very wide and we can walk on the top of it. The first waterfall is near from the start point but we need to climb down the cliff  a little bit to get there. It’s more narrow and there is a stream with rocks just like a pool where we can play splashing water or soak our body. The depth is only 1 meter. From the first waterfall we can see the view from a high hill because there will be still the second waterfall which is the highest and it flows down the hill straightly to the Balian River below.


The top of the first waterfall, my husband walked across to be on the top of it



Touch down the first waterfall


There are many rocks


I could see rainbow below the waterfall


It was beautiful



The view from the top of the second waterfall, we can see the Balian river down there


The last waterfall

Both of the waterfalls are connected to each other. The last waterfall is very massive, it is about 20 m height. To go to the last one we need to hike further to the forest downhill with more dangerous and difficult path. At the bottom of the waterfall there is a pool surrounded by the natural rocks and the water of the pool keep flowing straightly to the Balian River. The pool depth is about 1.5-4 meters.


we need to climb down the cliff a little bit to get to the first waterfall

I have been to the waterfalls twice. At first with my students and a volunteer was only until the first waterfall. We played in the pool and took some photos. We could stand up on the big rock on the top of the second waterfall and we could see the magnificent view of green hills and the stream of Balian River from above the highest waterfall.

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The second time I went there with Kalki and my husband. We didn’t take Kavin with us because it is quite dangerous and tiring to a smaller kid. We went down until the second waterfall. If we kept walking down the hill we would have arrived on the Balian River. At the second waterfall, we had to leap over rocks until we arrived at the pool as the bottom of the waterfall. Me and Kalki ate some snacks on a giant rock while my husband was swimming on the pool.


My husband couldn’t stand not to swim there


Swimming in the cold cold water


Massive waterfall


We went down hill to the second waterfall where the water falls from 20 m height

It was cold to be at the waterfall, moreover to swim there. My husband was shivering just after swimming. It became colder as it was getting dark in the afternoon. We decided to went back before it was too late, in the dark we would see nothing in the forest. We had to hike the hill upward on our way home. It was very tiring for us espescially Kalki. My husband carried Kalki on his back whenever he said that he was tired to walk. We also stopped to take a rest or drink for several times.


My husband carried Kalki when he was tired to walk

After all it was always a fantastic journey to explore the new waterfalls near our home. We really enjoyed the natural scenery and the challenging adventure. Me and Kalki was using wood sticks as walking cane to help us hike the hill down and up during the trip. It just wasn’t really help when we needed to climb some rocks. I’ve heard that some international volunteers from my work place also visited the waterfalls. The Portuguese boys even did cliff jumping at the last waterfall. Wow! Do you have the gut to try?


Intan Rastini.

Pengalaman Berhenti Merokok Suami

Saya beruntung mendapatkan seorang pacar perokok tapi rela meninggalkan kebiasaan merokoknya demi saya. Saat saya pertama kali mengenal pacar saya, dia adalah seorang perokok aktif dengan jenis rokok yang bagi saya adalah rokok kelas berat karena baunya yang sangat keras.

Pengalaman merokoknya dimulai saat ia tinggal di Surabaya. Ia sekedar mencoba-coba bersama teman-teman sekolahnya di bangku kelas 4 SD. Katanya, saat itu dia dan teman-temannya hanya memuaskan rasa ingin tahu terhadap rokok. Saat kelas 6 SD ia harus pindah ke Jakarta, dan di lingkungan Jakarta pun ia tetap mencoba-coba rokok bersama teman-temannya yang baru. Tapi itu belum bisa dikatakan sebagai perokok aktif, kenangnya, karena ia hanya kadang-kadang saja merokok untuk “have fun”.

Pacar saya mengaku mulai menjadi perokok aktif saat duduk di kelas 3 SMP. Saat itu ia merokok sembunyi-sembunyi karena tidak diijinkan oleh orang tuanya tentu saja. Setiap hari ia menyisihkan uang transport hanya untuk membeli rokok. Sampai dibela-belain naik bis menyelundup agar tidak bayar, dan uang untuk bayar bis bisa dipakai untuk beli rokok! Saat itu ia rutin mengonsumsi 1 batang rokok per hari. Saat yang menyenangkan untuk menghisap rokoknya adalah setelah pulang sekolah sambil nongkrong bersama teman-teman. Ia mengaku, saat masih muda memang rasa ingin tahunya besar untuk mencoba apalagi jika lingkungan mendukung, yaitu memiliki teman-teman yang merokok.

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Suami saya yang lagi duduk ngisep udud

Bagi dia, tanpa iklan pun image rokok memang sudah keren di mata anak-anak muda. Apalagi remaja memiliki jiwa pemberontak, terhadap sesuatu yang dilarang mereka justru ingin mencobanya. Saat ngumpul-ngumpul pun pacar saya mengakui lebih asyik jika sambil merokok. Kebiasaan pacar saya berlanjut sampai SMA, ia tetap merokok dan nongkrong-nongkrong iseng dengan teman-temannya. Ibunya pun mau tak mau memberi dia ijin untuk merokok di rumah tapi cukup 3 kali saja dalam sehari yaitu sehabis makan. Tak terhindarkan pula pacar saya minum minuman beralkohol dan juga mencoba nyimeng atau menghisap ganja.

Lalu saat ia kuliah di Bali, ia merasakan kebebasan yang lebih untuk merokok. Karena selain jauh dari orang tua, ia juga telah berada di lingkungan berbeda dari sekolah menengah yang jelas melarang para siswanya merokok. Dari orang tua ia mendapatkan uang saku bulanan dan itu ia atur untuk membeli persediaan rokok selama sebulan. Sempat juga ia membeli kertas rokok dan tembakau secara terpisah untuk menghemat persediaan rokoknya. Sebab jika ia memiliki persediaan rokok batangan, teman-teman kuliahnya bisa dengan mudah meminta 1-2 batang dan bila dibiarkan terus-menerus persediaan rokoknya bisa habis tidak sampai sebulan.

Saat liburan kuliah tahun 1992, pacar saya pernah terkena flu parah selama seminggu. Saat sakit ia merasakan merokok itu tidak enak! Akibatnya dia berhenti merokok selama 3 bulan saja. Lalu anehnya pada tahun 1999 ia sempat juga bisa berhenti merokok selama setahun. Gaya hidupnya pada saat itu menjadi sehat karena ia jogging setiap sore dan juga bermain basket. Ia merasakan saat berhenti merokok tahun itu di Jakarta, membuat napasnya bisa lebih panjang sehingga tidak mengganggu aktivitas jogging dan bermain basketnya. Dia kembali merokok lagi saat naik gunung bersama teman-teman bekas SMA dan kuliahnya. Saya juga heran mengapa dia kembali merokok justru saat beraktivitas naik gunung yang membutuhkan oksigen banyak!?

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Suami saya yang nggak pakai baju, tangannya pegang rokok

Saya bertemu dengan pacar saya saat di Jakarta, saat itu saya hendak mendaki gunung Papandayan di Garut. Saat bertemu dengannya dia masih saja aktif merokok. Saat kami mulai melakukan pendekatan, ia sudah tau bahwa saya sangat tidak suka rokok, perokok dan tidak bisa mentolerir asap rokok. Maka ia mencoba tidak merokok di dekat saya. Tidak jarang saya menyembunyikan rokoknya, bahkan membuang rokoknya ke dalam air supaya tidak bisa disulut dengan api. Ia sendiri tidak pernah marah atas kelakuan saya. Ia mengakui bahwa rokok itu tidak menyehatkan, tapi ia tidak bisa melawan zat adiktif yang membuatnya kecanduan.

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Bersama teman-teman naik gunung: Rahardjo, Gede Agus (papa Kalki n’ Kavin), Teguh, Toto.

Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk berpacaran. Saat berpacaran saya tidak mau membiarkan pacar saya mencium saya karena saya tidak tahan dengan bau rokok di mulutnya. Jangankan mulutnya, baju dan badannya pun bau tembakau! Dari situ ia mulai berusaha mengurangi kebiasaan merokoknya. Setelah berhasil tidak merokok ia akan meminta “reward”, alasannya karena sudah berhasil tidak merokok lagi seharian. Setelah itu ia juga jadi sering membeli permen mint sebagai subtitut rokok dan agar bau rokok di mulutnya tersamarkan.


Hingga saat ini saya telah berkeluarga dan memiliki dua orang putra dari suami yang dulunya pacar saya itu, saya merasa bangga karena saya bisa mewujudkan keluarga yang sehat tanpa asap rokok. Saya sangat senang karena saat kami berpacaran dulu suami saya berhasil berhenti merokok sehingga tidak harus membawa kebiasaan buruknya di sekitar anak-anak kami sejak mereka bayi. Hebatnya lagi sejak berkeluarga, suami saya sudah tidak membutuhkan subsitut rokok dalam bentuk apapun.


With our first son, Kalki

*Cerita ini telah mendapat persetujuan dari suami saya untuk dipublikasikan. Awalnya cerita ini adalah untuk

If you support people to quit smoking or you have a smoking issue, please feel free to contact twitter: @BebasRokokID

Intan Rastini

Kalki Bertemu Tuan Belalang (Master Mantis)

Sore ini Kalki pergi ke kebun bersama papa dan pekak naik motor. Saat sudah sampai kebun, motor pun diparkir. 

“Pa, ada belalang pa,

Itu pa, ada belalang di atas motor, pa…” seru Kalki.

“Belalangnya bagus pa..” tambah Kalki.

“Ya.” Jawab papa.

“Ada matanya,” kata Kalki

“Ya.” Jawab papa.

“Ada mulutnya,” kata Kalki

“Ya.” Jawab papa.

“Ada sayapnya,” kata Kalki

“Ya.” Jawab papa.

“Ada kakinya,” kata Kalki

“Ya.” Jawab papa.

“Kok, nggak pakai topi, pa?” Tanya Kalki

“Ha ha ha ha….” Papa nggak bisa jawab lagi.

This is a little story about My Trip My Adventure Toddler 😀

Ooh yaa, happy new year 2017 all!

Posyandu Kenanga Agustus 2016

Di bulan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ini dimana juga disebut sebagai bulan merah putih dan tahun ini diperingati sebagai “Dirgahayu RI ke-71…”

Dua minggu setelah hari Rabu, 17 Agustus nanti di bumi Indonesia kami ini pun juga ada seorang ayah yang hendak merayakan hari lahirnya ke-45 tahun pada 31 Agustus 2016 ini. Ya siapa lagi kalo tidak lain dan tidak bukan, sosok pria yang namanya saja diambil dari nama bulan lahirnya serta merupakan bapak dari anak-anak saya, suami terkasih…, yaitu Papa Agus Ambara dari si duo K, Kalki dan Kavin!

Ini dia penimbangan BB dan pengukuran LK serta TB anak-anak balita mama di posyandu Kenanga:

Kalki di bulan Agustus (39 bulan)

Berat: 15 kg (naik 2 ons)

Tinggi: 96 cm

Lingkar Kepala: 51 cm

Kavin di bulan Agustus (16 bulan)

Berat: 10,2 kg (turun 1 ons)

Tinggi: 77 cm

Lingkar Kepala: 49 cm

Setelah ditimbang dan diukur-ukur, Kalki dan Kavin sama-sama mendapatkan vitamin A kapsul merah. Lalu bu bidan juga memberikan tablet obat cacing rasa jeruk yang bisa dihisap-hisap atau dikunyah oleh Kalki n’ Vin :D. Hehehe mereka si bocah-bocah, sih seneng-seneng aja. Nggak ada yang pada nolak atau nangis, kok. Sungguh kooperatif semua sama bu bidannya :). Hmmm enak… baru, deh, anak-anak minum air putih.

Memang di Posyandu selalu disediakan bubur kacang hijau atau snack anak-anak kalau pas nggak prepare bubur kacang hijau sebelumnya. Nah, kali ini setiap anak balita maupun yang masih bayi di Posyandu Kenanga mendapatkan snack Biskuit Marie Regal 1 sachet, dan 1 butir Sosis So Nice (yang langsung bisa dimakan itu, lho) plus diberi 1 gelas air mineral kemasan. Meskipun demikian, mama Kalvin selalu bawakan botol minum anak-anak sebagai cadangan kalau pas ga dapat air putih. Jadi saat mereka main lari-larian di kegiatan Posyandu tetep ga sampai kehausan.

Mau lihat foto-fotonya? Lihat di Instagram aja ya: @jessmite

Or simply click my Facebook button! 

On my blog sidebar here (above) ->

Ga tau kenapa aplikasi WordPress yang baru saya download lagi ini lama banget buat ngeload foto yang diupload, huh. Sampai abis batere nih gadget buat loading doank!

Sebelumnya waktu posting rekap BB anak-anak bulan April-Juli bisa memuat 1 foto tapi sekarang kok lamaaa banget uploadingnya :(. Dunno why?

Sampai nanti!

♡ Intan Rastini

My 25 Birthday

Yesterday (10th of February) was a rainy day. I woke up early in the morning to prepare my sons’ needs like today’s breakfast and lunch also to check all the clothes and toiletries for them are well-packed to blue baby bag. That morning not really sunny… almost cloudy.

However, the night before I already prepared for the porridge in the slow cooker.
I couldn’t sleep early at night because I was happy enough knowing that I got a birthday present from my long time bestfriend since I was in the elementary school, Karina.

She is very generous by giving me a gift voucher to shop at a baby and kids shop on my birthday. Before that she already gave me a pack of baby and kids’ clothes for me. So the voucher shall be redeemed in the month of February. That’s why on my birthday I went to Denpasar city with my sons and my husband on that rainy weather. Wet wet and wet everywhere we walked. We had the trip from Tabanan to Denpasar by motorcycle with 4 persons on the ride.


I bought a nursing bra for myself and then I chose a wooden toy for my sons and… three bracelets of anti-mosquitoes. You know.. rainy season, wet everywhere.. prone to mosquitoes attack. I presented one pink anti-mosquitoes bracelet for baby Khanza, Kalki n’ Kavin got the yellow and green ones. Unfortunately we couldn’t afford to buy more for Iqbal 😦

We ate lunch at Tiara Dewata. Kalki was enthusiastic and he found new world of playing! First we took a shelter from the rain at the ATM center and to fed baby Kavin. Next we ate lunch at the food court together. I ordered a soto and a tahu campur at the Surabaya culinary kiosk for me and for my husband. While we were waiting… I bought a pair of potato doughnuts with grated cheese as the topping 🙂

Kalki was really hungry and he ate my husband’s soto and my lontong 🙂 he was very cute acting that he could eat by himself :’)


Mommy.. this is delicious, said Kalki in his heart

And we were proud of him. Because he tried to handle his meal on his own. He went to the wash basin to wash his hands by the help of his mom and dad. Until he found an automatic hand dryer machine.. he played it to dry his hands.. again and he tried again and again… Hihihi… we are so sorry for our katrok attitude… but we couldn’t help our son!


Papa, what's that... Kalki was in an awe

Next we walked around and we saw a play zone for kids! Of course Kalki was really eager to stay and look around. He saw the train and cars buzzing around and the noisy children sounds… whoaaa what a joyful zone here, he thought! There was a boom boom car and a pool of colorful balls and the trampolin zone! What can I say here to describe my children’s eyes of festive area like that?

This is my day, I thought. But that day went quite fast. Would my life went so fast just like on my birthday?


I’m turning 25 and I expect to do 25 things before the next 26

Thank you my husband to accompany me through the rain… taking care of me and most of all our sons. Be strong be strong sons!


We walked when the rain had stopped


The wooden toy: farm train for Kalki and Kavin from Alden

Thank you Anin, Medina and Karina… my elementary school bestfriends. Karina said we must be bestfriend trough all times ♡♡♡. Your nursing tops package as my birthday gift has arrived. And I really really love it. Your love and care make me believe that I still have good friends with good moments to share.


Kalki really likes the anti-mosquitoes bracelet. He wears it everytime he goes outdoor and at home

And thank you my family…  for the long lasting supports and energy. ♥♥

This is a late post and I regret I couldn’t post it on time.
Happy birthday also to Shankara, Iqbal and my Aunty ♡♥ long lasting love for you all. Many happy return of the days… and good bye February. May the new month bring a joy, good health and wealth.

♡ Intan Rastini