About the Author


Hello, my name Intan Rastini and I can say that I am half Balinese half Javanese. Both of my parents are Balinese but they live in Java island.

I was born and raised in a city called Surabaya, and I love it. Then when I was a toddler my family and I moved to a town named Sidoarjo. Sometimes me and my family had holidays in Bali, Bandung and Jakarta because we have families there.

I spent my study stages in primary schools at Sidoarjo, then I chose a university in Surabaya, ITS, and then I dropped it out. Later on, I continued studying in a college, Surabaya Hotel School without an official graduation. I got jobs at a few hotels or catering services in either Surabaya or Sidoarjo as a daily worker.

wild west

There was a time before I entered the university, I stayed in Jakarta for a while. And as I predicted, I always love big cities.


In my twenties, I moved to Bali for fulfilling a job offer. A few months later I quit my job and went back to my home in Java. In the next year afterward, I was purposed and got married. Ever since I live in Bali now with my new family.

We live in a quite remote village in Tabanan, Bali. It’s Banjar Dinas Angkah Gede. Way very different from big cities I ever live or visit, it is approximately 8 km to reach the nearest traditional market and shop complex.

In this blog is archived my posts from 2011 to 2013. But there’s missing, no post in 2012 at all! Why? Because I did blogging in my tumblr blog instead. Really I lack of consistency! asgarden.tumblr.com contains my after-wedding life and about my first pregnancy. I think Tumblr is a more fun blog rather that WordPress and Blogspot, so I used to fill my tumblr blog with fun stuff and it is delivered in fun version.

When I was in junior high school, I also write blogs in 2005 and 2006:

cruxbox.blogspot.com and inblock.blogspot.com

they contains not much. Only a few posts of my old thoughts and all about my interests at that age 😀

And then in 2008 when I was in senior hi:


Well, it was created for the IT lesson requisitions although I also wrote ‘something’ there, it was something interesting to me, yo! However, I always feel it is funny when I reread my old blogs of my teenage age! Oh my God, my mind at that time was kind of %$@#*!? Haha :D. Lunatic! But it’s amazing, what I had written before could blow my mind now when I read it again. In senior hi, I was asked to represent my school in a blog competition together with my IT teacher and two boys as a team, but we didn’t win it 😛

The man who first introduced me to IT: email, forum and blog is my father.

where I live now with my new family….


It is like in the jungle surrounded with many hills.


This time I work at a learning center in my village, called “Yayasan Eka Chita Pradnyan” I teach English there as a lead teacher. I also have international volunteers as my co-teachers. If you want to know my full story about me related to my job, please click these links below:

I write a short autobiography and my experience working at Yayasan Eka Chita Pradnyan here:

Daniel Kirk Patrick and Lisa K. Beck as teacher trainers and my mentors from USA featured me on the article of Educational Design Associates:

  1. http://educationaldesign.associates/getting-to-know-bali/
  2. http://educationaldesign.associates/478-2

You can see me on this video teaching English with Matti Aho a volunteer from Finland.
A video about Yayasan Eka Chita Pradnyan made by Tamara Rijnenberg:

Sometimes I also write to another websites, such as…
Book review of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens for Emak2Blogger (in Indonesian):

Tips and Trick to keep learning English on your own in fun ways! for The Urban Mama (in Indonesian):

My activity during Nyepi Day 2018, Caka New Year 1940 for The Urban Mama (in Indonesian):

My Tonsillectomy Surgery Experience for The Urban Mama (in Indonesian):

“Mind Your Plastic Trash when Visiting Bali!” for Yeah Foundation (in English)

“Act to Care of the Environment at Our Learning Center” for Yeah Foundation (in English)

Building a less waste home “Mewujudkan Rumah Miskin Sampah dengan 10 Hal ini” for Bale Bengong, a web for citizen journalism (in Indonesian)






I also got featured on EcoBali’s blog about what I do regarding the environment and about my less waste journey (in English)


Warm regards,

Intan Rastini.


18 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. wah, kisah hidup yg seru. dari kota2 besar lalu kembali ke kampung. asyik sekali sptnya kembali ke keheningan setelah capek dg hiruk pikuk kota. salam kenal, intan.. btw, udah gabung bali blogger? ikut di sana yuk. biar makin seru. ;))

    • Halo salam kenal juga Mas Anton. Saya masih ada keinginan untuk balik ke kota, sih hehehe… Di kota seru urban lifestyle yang ditawarkan sedangkan di desa seru buat adventure dan yang lebih enak banyak space disediakan oleh alam buat yoga 🙂
      About BBC, actually I’ve been workin’ on it before. Makasih ya mas.

    • Hai salam kenal juga mba mirahtadi. Saya senang bisa nambah teman disini nih. Iya saya orang Bali, ini anak kedua saya, Kavin baru aja upacara oton yang kedua dan MPASI nya udah jalan di 7 bulan 🙂

  2. halo mak, waaaah impian banget tinggal di desa … setelah nikah, impianku pengin tinggal di desa yg masih banyak sawahnya, bekerja di rumah nulis blog ato nulis buku eh sayang bengkel pak suami ada di jakarta … gak gampang memulai usaha dari nol apalagi di tempat yg jauh

    • Mungkin kalo udah jadi pensiunan bisa tinggal di desa yang tenang. Mulai dari sekarang bisa nabung dulu 😉
      Makasih udah ninggalin jejak disini mbak.

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