Homemade Spinach Chips!

I love potato chips, but it is difficult to slice the potato very thin to have a crispy homemade potato chips. Instead I have a bunch of spinach given by my relatives, so I made this veggie chips. This recipe I got from Radita Puspa‘s mom. So thank you for the recipe!

I consider the spinach chips as snacks and complements for my meal. As a snack I eat the chip with tomato sauce, and it is delicious!

Scroll down if you want the recipe in English.

Spinach cips with thin flour mixture

Keripik Bayam

1. Daun salam 3 lembar
2. Air 500 ml
3. Minyak goreng 300 ml
4. Daun Bayam yang lebar dan tua
5. Tepung beras 5 sdm
6. Garam 1/4 sdm dan lada 1/4 sdt

Cara membuat:
1. Cuci bersih daun salam dan daun bayam dan petik dari batangnya
2. Rebus daun salam dengan air sampai mendidih, setelah mendidih biarkan dingin
3. Campur tepung beras dengan garam, lada bubuk dan gula secukupnya aduk rata
4. Ambil air rebusan daun salam yang sudah dingin sebanyak 10 sendok makan, campurkan dengan tepung beras, aduk perlahan sampai tercampur rata dengan kekentalan yang cukup
5. Siapkan wajan dan panaskan minyak goreng
6. Celupkan daun bayam ke adonan tepung lalu goreng, angkat jika tepung sudah berwarna kuning kecokelatan
7. Ulangin proses mencelup setiap daun bayam ke adonan tepung dan goreng sampai semua bahan habis atau dirasa jumlah keripik bayam sudah cukup
8. Tiriskan semua keripik bayam yang telah digoreng saat sudah dingin simpan dalam wadah kedap udara supaya tetap renyah
9. Keripik bayam siap disajikan sebagai pelengkap hidangan Anda

Jumlah: 20 keripik bayam dengan ukuran bervariasi. Dominan yang berukuran setelapak tangan saya.

Spinach chips with nutritional yeast

Spinach Chips

1. 3 pcs of bay leaves
2. 500 ml of water
3. 300 ml of frying oil
4. 20 spinach leaves, choose wide and old ones
5. 5 tbs of rice flour
6. 1/4 of salt, and 1/4 tsp of pepper powder

How to cook:

1. Clean the bay leaves and spinach with water, remove the spinach branch from each leave
2. Boil the bay leaves with water, after it’s boiling, let it be cool by air temperature
3. Mix rhe rice flour with salt and pepper well
4. Take 10 tablespoon of boiled bay leaves water, mix and stir with the flour. Stir until it is well-mixed
5. Prepare the frying pan or wok, pour the frying oil and heat it
6. Dip a spinach leave to the flour mixture then fry it. Take it from the frying pan when its color is already golden brown. Or the leave is felt stiff just like a chip
7. Redo the process until all the spinach is fried or until yoi think you have enough spinach chips
8. Drain all spinach chips until they are not hot anymore then keep in air thight storage to preserve its crispiness
9. Spinach chips are reay to serve as the complements to your meal

I have tried this recipe 4 times. I tried with thick flour mixture, thin flour mixture, I mix the mixture with flaxseeds and then I mix with nutritional yeast. All of them are just fine! If you use thicker mixture the chips will be hard when they are not crispy anymore but if you use very thin flour mixture it will be soft and chewy when it loses ita crispiness.

With my recipe you will have about 20 spinach leaves with various size of the leaves, but mostly they are as big as my palm. My kids really love the spinach chips!

A heap of spinach chips for my sons

💚 Intan Rastini

14 thoughts on “Homemade Spinach Chips!

    • Ya sama-sama. Nggak pakai daun salam juga bisa. Mungkin pengaruh ke aromanya sedikit. Kalau rasa kayaknya bikin nggak langu sedikit. Saya juga biasanya masak nggak pakai daun salam karena lupa. Cuma sekali pakai daun salam hihihi

    • Ini karena saya tinggal di lahan pertanian makanya banyak yang punya bayam gede-gede lembaran daunnya karena tumbuh di pekarangan rumah nggak dipanen-panen jadi menua dan besar. Jangankan anak-anak, saya aja suka… 😳👌

    • Kalau saya baru kali ini nyoba keripik bayam. Sebelumnya nggak pernah makan keripik bayam sana sekali. Malah nggak tau kalau ternyata orang-orang udah pada bikin keripik bayam seperti ini. Sama-sama mbak

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